A pirate captain standing on the deck of his ship, watching out at the sea, with a red sunset in the background. Behang [0ecb117dbbf1409ab037]View license
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1 Download de app voor het aanpassen van het startscherm "WidgetClub".
U hebt een app voor het aanpassen van het startscherm nodig om widgets te installeren en app-pictogrammen te wijzigen. Download de WidgetClub-app. Alle hier getoonde ontwerpen zijn beschikbaar op WidgetClub.
2 Nadat u de app hebt gedownload, keert u terug naar deze pagina en tikt u op de knop 'Deze achtergrond instellen'.
Met de app gedownload, kunt u op de onderstaande knop of de knop "Set this wallpaper" tikken om direct naar de downloadpagina voor de wallpaper te gaan! (Als u toegang hebt via sociale media, kunt u problemen ondervinden om naar de pagina te gaan. Open in dat geval deze pagina in Safari en tik nogmaals op de knop.)
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A robot pirate, fabricated from aged steel and antique copper, with gear wheels as body parts.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/91243ee8b44744249730View license
A cartoon adventure featuring a swashbuckling beagle pirate with an eye patch and a treasure map.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/93f39f93edda47898e0cView license
Silhouette of a lone pirate, telling tales of his adventures under the starry sky by a bonfire.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/95e61988b2514a69a12fView license
Detailed anime-style depiction of an epic pirate battle on the high seas with mythical sea creatures.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/9b4ac96c4dc344699521View license
The vintage skyline of a 17th-century pirate city, with ships at harbor and bustling markets.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/a50703924d12442dafc1View license
An underwater scene displaying a whimsical world of vibrant coral reef, shimmering schools of fish and a sunken pirate treasure chest.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/b6c3f83ebc58473fa5b4View license
A pirate holding a treasure chest overflowing with jewels and gold under the ocean's surface.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/db21f2f401c04ba2ba3bView license
A nautical map featuring legendary pirate routes and treasure islands, encased in a rustic wooden framehttps://widget-club.com/nl/i/e0bd98824c21430ea7e7View license
A rugged pirate ship sailing through turbulent, foamy ocean waves under a stormy sky, deckhands scrambling on the deck while the captain braces the wheel.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/fbf01e4e7bbe44889d58View license
A pirate's loot - pearls, jewels, gold coins and goblets, spilling out from a well-worn sack.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/4562ad6a666e4929bd15View license
A pirate captain standing on the deck of his ship, watching out at the sea, with a red sunset in the background.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/0ecb117dbbf1409ab037View license
A cartoon portrait of a brave pirate sailing in the rough seas in search of lost treasure.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/1538fad041b74546ad8bView license
A scene of a mysterious boxfish investigating a wrecked pirate ship submerged in the deep ocean.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/1ce09849072347c1b6c9View license
An anime space pirate brandishing a laser sword on the deck of his futuristic ship with a star-filled sky behind him.https://widget-club.com/nl/i/734da27363ef48ac9a3eView license