A tiny sparrow perched on a bare branch, the words 'Not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care' inscribed on it. ផ្ទាំងរូបភាព [524f0de950514d57bbb7]View license
<a href='https://widget-club.com/km/i/524f0de950514d57bbb7'>ធ្លាក់ image</a> by <a href='https://widget-club.com/km'>WidgetClub</a>
A figure walking on a path leading towards the rising sun, with the words 'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet'.https://widget-club.com/km/i/03111c3d72864f81b90bView license
Blooming cherry blossom branches with the words 'He has made everything beautiful in its time' woven into the petals.https://widget-club.com/km/i/7fd7be3c8ebd4115ad57View license
A ship's anchor resting on a rocky seabed, the quote 'We have this hope as an anchor for the soul' wrapped around its chain.https://widget-club.com/km/i/0a94423aa5cf474bb252View license
An open field under a clear, starlit sky, with the phrase 'He counts the stars and calls them all by name'.https://widget-club.com/km/i/c468dc2542164566b062View license
A sprout growing from a crumbling, old book with the phrase 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation' etched in the soil.https://widget-club.com/km/i/cbd26d9d8f664a9c9325View license
An open hand releasing a dandelion seeds into the wind, the words 'It is more blessed to give than to receive' floating with them.https://widget-club.com/km/i/72b59af972b647ffb702View license
A stone bridge arched over a quietly flowing river, the words 'I am the bridge to eternal life' carved into the stone.https://widget-club.com/km/i/700d978cb666433a9c3cView license
A wooden bowl filled with bread pieces on a worn out table, the words 'Do this in remembrance of me' scribblied on the table.https://widget-club.com/km/i/cf1a3d873dde475f9e3fView license
A tiny sparrow perched on a bare branch, the words 'Not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care' inscribed on it.https://widget-club.com/km/i/524f0de950514d57bbb7View license