This Photo widget [wUWMS7sdinUrRJkph9cg] is a widget themed with Heart, Valentine, Love, Pastelpink, Pink, White, Wing, Cute, Pastel, Fashionable. This widget was posted by Sunset 💗🌸🎧⭐️ on 2023/12/29 03:41:15. You can set it up by downloading the smartphone customization app ”WidgetClub” for iPhone and Android. For detailed instructions, please check the explanation at the bottom of this article!
2 Open the app, tap the design you like in the “Widget” tab, and tap the “Set” button!
3 The widget setting spaces will be displayed, so please replace the widget.
There are 20 spaces each for small, medium, and large size widget. Please remember the name of the widget (like “Small #02”) you set will be useful when you add the widget on the home screen!
4 Go back to the home screen and add widgets to your home screen!
The following video explains how to set up the widget in an easy-to-understand way! Some parts are a little difficult to understand, so please watch the video as you go through the setup!
2 Open the app, tap the design you like in the “Widget” tab, and tap the “Set” button!
3 The widget setting spaces will be displayed, so please replace the widget.
There are 20 spaces each for small, medium, and large size widget. Please remember the name of the widget (like “Small #02”) you set will be useful when you add the widget on the home screen!
4 Go back to the home screen and add widgets to your home screen!
The following video explains how to set up the widget in an easy-to-understand way! Some parts are a little difficult to understand, so please watch the video as you go through the setup!
I make random stuff for fun, mostly Sanrio. I also play Roblox so feel free to join. ☺️ Happy Valentines ‼️💗Roblox username: Sunset_missstolenCheck out Kuromi Suki ❤️ 👀Bye bye 🎧🌸💗