An ancient, mossy stone well nestled amongst a carpet of bluebell flowers in an enchanted forest. Дэлгэцийн зураг [99adf2fa544747d89dda]View licenseAn ancient, mossy stone well nestled amongst a carpet of bluebell flowers in an enchanted forest. Дэлгэцийн зураг [99adf2fa544747d89dda]
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An ancient, mossy stone well nestled amongst a carpet of bluebell flowers in an enchanted forest.

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Аппликешныг татаж авсны дараа та доорх товчлуур эсвэл "Энэ ханын зургийг тохируулах" товчийг дарж ханын зургийг татаж авах хуудас руу шууд очно уу! (Хэрэв та олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгслээр нэвтэрч байгаа бол хуудас руу шилжихэд асуудал гарч болзошгүй. Энэ тохиолдолд Safari дээр энэ хуудсыг нээж, товчлуурыг дахин товшино уу.)
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Дэлгэцийн зураг хэрхэн тохируулах талаар

4 Дэлгэцийн зургийг таны төхөөрөмж дээрх "Зураг" апп-д хадгалах болно. Таны үндсэн дэлгэц эсвэл түгжигдсэн дэлгэцийн ханын зургийг тохируулцгаая!

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Виджет суулгах, програмын дүрсийг өөрчлөхийн тулд танд үндсэн дэлгэцийн тохиргооны програм хэрэгтэй. WidgetClub програмыг татаж авна уу. Энд үзүүлсэн бүх загварыг WidgetClub дээрээс авах боломжтой.
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WidgetClub програмыг татаж аваарай

2 Програмыг татаж авсны дараа энэ хуудас руу буцаж очоод "Энэ ханын зургийг тохируулах" товчийг дарна уу.

Аппликешныг татаж авсны дараа та доорх товчлуур эсвэл "Энэ ханын зургийг тохируулах" товчийг дарж ханын зургийг татаж авах хуудас руу шууд очно уу! (Хэрэв та олон нийтийн мэдээллийн хэрэгслээр нэвтэрч байгаа бол хуудас руу шилжихэд асуудал гарч болзошгүй. Энэ тохиолдолд Safari дээр энэ хуудсыг нээж, товчлуурыг дахин товшино уу.)
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Энэ ханын цаасыг тохируулна уу

3 Та энэ ханын зургийг татаж авах хуудас руу орох болно. "Тохиргоо" товчийг дарна уу!

Дэлгэцийн зураг хэрхэн тохируулах талаар

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Хэрэв та үүнийг тохируулахад асуудалтай байгаа эсвэл нэмэлт өөрчлөлт хийхийг хүсч байвал эдгээр нийтлэлийг шалгана уу.

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Санал болгож байна

Endless plains under the full moonlight, dotted with wildflowers in bloomhttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/d56a4db274104fa0a11cView licenseEndless plains under the full moonlight, dotted with wildflowers in bloom
An ancient, mossy stone well nestled amongst a carpet of bluebell flowers in an enchanted forest.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/99adf2fa544747d89ddaView licenseAn ancient, mossy stone well nestled amongst a carpet of bluebell flowers in an enchanted forest.
A vintage botanical illustration of a bunch of bluebells in full bloom.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/a4cbd7d4c6f8409d98f3View licenseA vintage botanical illustration of a bunch of bluebells in full bloom.
A beautiful family garden, each member's favorite flora planted and blooming, showcasing their unique preferences.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/a55ac4dbc54b454c996aView licenseA beautiful family garden, each member's favorite flora planted and blooming, showcasing their unique preferences.
A lonely bluebell blossoming early in a mystic woodland at twilight.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/a81098f1ecbc4d8c9771View licenseA lonely bluebell blossoming early in a mystic woodland at twilight.
A lush English garden overflowing with an array of colorful traditional flowers in full bloom.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/ad6218faebea4b4aa505View licenseA lush English garden overflowing with an array of colorful traditional flowers in full bloom.
A serene cottagecore scene with a rustic wooden shed in the middle of wildflower meadow".https://widget-club.com/mn/i/b43c723bde7a4366a417View licenseA serene cottagecore scene with a rustic wooden shed in the middle of wildflower meadow".
A cottagecore inspired pattern showing earthy brown mushrooms, brambles, and ferns against a creamy linen backdrop.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/bedd57169b404e7bb25aView licenseA cottagecore inspired pattern showing earthy brown mushrooms, brambles, and ferns against a creamy linen backdrop.
Elegant bluebells surrounded by emerald ferns in a mystical forest clearing.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/bfd35ddb58334b88821bView licenseElegant bluebells surrounded by emerald ferns in a mystical forest clearing.
An undergrowth of dark, enchanted Bluebell forest illuminated by fireflies.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/c3058b29264b45f78cfdView licenseAn undergrowth of dark, enchanted Bluebell forest illuminated by fireflies.
A romantic cottagecore scene with a darling cottage in the background and a group of deer grazing in a meadow.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/ca6aabf95d704934b604View licenseA romantic cottagecore scene with a darling cottage in the background and a group of deer grazing in a meadow.
A golden hour scene in a Scandinavian forest showcasing the variety of native flowers.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/d212f0253fa240d6bce5View licenseA golden hour scene in a Scandinavian forest showcasing the variety of native flowers.
A close up of a mushroom with a bright red cap and dotted with white spots sitting cozily amidst a charming cottagecore scene with a soft sunset background.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/d329413bc83f44d9a527View licenseA close up of a mushroom with a bright red cap and dotted with white spots sitting cozily amidst a charming cottagecore scene with a soft sunset background.
A forest floor covered in charming bluebells during a gentle spring rain.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/8f374ff528654c02af27View licenseA forest floor covered in charming bluebells during a gentle spring rain.
A dense, mysterious, misty forest with a carpet of bluebellshttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/dae74fc2d9a5490cbe90View licenseA dense, mysterious, misty forest with a carpet of bluebells
A picturesque watercolor illustration of a country meadow filled with bluebells under a clear blue sky.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/e51a878f19c7446fa776View licenseA picturesque watercolor illustration of a country meadow filled with bluebells under a clear blue sky.
An aesthetic shot of a plain landscape during sunrise with light fog covering the dew-kissed grasshttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/e739178fbeae42e5915cView licenseAn aesthetic shot of a plain landscape during sunrise with light fog covering the dew-kissed grass
A soft, floral pattern evoking cottagecore aesthetics with large pink peonies and small white daisies intertwined.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/f2136c8dd70a4d1d9d88View licenseA soft, floral pattern evoking cottagecore aesthetics with large pink peonies and small white daisies intertwined.
A watercolor-style image of a path leading through a bluebell forest.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/f21d944202f34d9fbc98View licenseA watercolor-style image of a path leading through a bluebell forest.
A picnic setup in a green lush forest with a carpet of bluebells under a golden spring sunset.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/f3056bfcc6974b6baa57View licenseA picnic setup in a green lush forest with a carpet of bluebells under a golden spring sunset.
Two bluebells intertwined, symbolizing unity and friendshiphttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/f5f6d1d36b534c90a4d9View licenseTwo bluebells intertwined, symbolizing unity and friendship
A rustic wooden cabin surrounded by a carpet of bluebells in a shaded, peaceful woodland during spring.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/f68d4c5be033428f87f9View licenseA rustic wooden cabin surrounded by a carpet of bluebells in a shaded, peaceful woodland during spring.
A nostalgic Cottagecore pattern enclosing intricately crafted lace doilies spilled across a warm mahogany wood background.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/f9581b489f504a4098f1View licenseA nostalgic Cottagecore pattern enclosing intricately crafted lace doilies spilled across a warm mahogany wood background.
A magical scene of a blue glowing butterfly resting on a moonlit bluebell flower.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/fcd0e112bec147fb801eView licenseA magical scene of a blue glowing butterfly resting on a moonlit bluebell flower.
A delicate bluebell sitting in the early morning dewhttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/ff8e9fde2b3043b6aeebView licenseA delicate bluebell sitting in the early morning dew
A young witch in a flower garden, tending to her magical plants.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/4b0753822f47417e91beView licenseA young witch in a flower garden, tending to her magical plants.
An elegant pattern consisting of dappled deer and squirrels set against an aged parchment background embellished with oak tree leaves, reflecting the cottagecore aesthetic.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/0471926892a7437291c2View licenseAn elegant pattern consisting of dappled deer and squirrels set against an aged parchment background embellished with oak tree leaves, reflecting the cottagecore aesthetic.
A whimsical pattern featuring a faded golden wheat field under a bright blue summer sky echoed with the tranquility of a cottagecore aesthetic.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/1ef4fbae69a94f609c46View licenseA whimsical pattern featuring a faded golden wheat field under a bright blue summer sky echoed with the tranquility of a cottagecore aesthetic.
A mosaic pathway leading to the secret door of a hidden garden.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/24a1872b85ec48f397dbView licenseA mosaic pathway leading to the secret door of a hidden garden.
A garden path lined with a profusion of Bluebellshttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/2c0996327886456c87e3View licenseA garden path lined with a profusion of Bluebells
A rustic wooden table with a vase of fresh Bluebellshttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/2fd807152c05402198b3View licenseA rustic wooden table with a vase of fresh Bluebells
A serene panoramic landscape of a teal plain under the twilight sky.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/36db0cb80fd64a1981e5View licenseA serene panoramic landscape of a teal plain under the twilight sky.
A beautiful depiction of a Scandinavian garden in full bloom with an array of colorful flowers.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/373228e4cf1e4e5a90aeView licenseA beautiful depiction of a Scandinavian garden in full bloom with an array of colorful flowers.
A peaceful forest during spring with bluebells carpeting the lush green forest floor.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/38541b821acf4ccfb479View licenseA peaceful forest during spring with bluebells carpeting the lush green forest floor.
A close-up of a Bluebell flower softly lit by the setting sunhttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/38602f978e254f6f8ba3View licenseA close-up of a Bluebell flower softly lit by the setting sun
A blue baby elephant joyfully playing in a meadow full of bluebell flowers.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/39121ed9ca8d445a9d0fView licenseA blue baby elephant joyfully playing in a meadow full of bluebell flowers.
A landscape scene featuring a small brick house surrounded by a field of white and gray flowers.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/469656fe659541a99133View licenseA landscape scene featuring a small brick house surrounded by a field of white and gray flowers.
Large, mythical mushrooms with bioluminescent caps lighting up a dreamy night scene in a lush cottagecore setting.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/48d126be0c574b839a11View licenseLarge, mythical mushrooms with bioluminescent caps lighting up a dreamy night scene in a lush cottagecore setting.
A lush forest floor covered with preppy style bluebells bathed in the morning's golden rays.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/014218d4c93a4950a2b2View licenseA lush forest floor covered with preppy style bluebells bathed in the morning's golden rays.
A countryside landscape brought alive by a blanket of bluebellshttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/4d568945d525427885dbView licenseA countryside landscape brought alive by a blanket of bluebells
A tranquil scene of an open field awash with sage green grass under a pastel blue sky.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/4e59e7870cc24d33915eView licenseA tranquil scene of an open field awash with sage green grass under a pastel blue sky.
Flowers blooming in a spring meadow forming stripe pattern across the landscape.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/5ec9894efea64f0f971eView licenseFlowers blooming in a spring meadow forming stripe pattern across the landscape.
An old, rustic farmhouse nestled in a peaceful countryside filled with wildflowers under the warm evening sky evoking a sense of peaceful nostalgia.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/69734339127742a48dc2View licenseAn old, rustic farmhouse nestled in a peaceful countryside filled with wildflowers under the warm evening sky evoking a sense of peaceful nostalgia.
A field of Bluebells swaying in the gentle spring breezehttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/74589ac4a6ae4a03aff8View licenseA field of Bluebells swaying in the gentle spring breeze
Ancient woodland filled with bluebells under a soft morning light.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/7476e011c99a4a608063View licenseAncient woodland filled with bluebells under a soft morning light.
A charming green gingham pattern decorated with wild strawberry illustrations inspired by cottagecore aesthetic.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/7901810489c04203b42cView licenseA charming green gingham pattern decorated with wild strawberry illustrations inspired by cottagecore aesthetic.
A blue wolf sitting amidst a field of vibrant bluebell flowers under a clear sky.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/7dca31c63b1241cf858fView licenseA blue wolf sitting amidst a field of vibrant bluebell flowers under a clear sky.
A whimsical portrait of a beige cow standing in the midst of wildflowers.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/82cfd914e3a442b2965eView licenseA whimsical portrait of a beige cow standing in the midst of wildflowers.
A cluster of vibrant bluebells against a lush green forest backdrophttps://widget-club.com/mn/i/885cc3632fd24d599a05View licenseA cluster of vibrant bluebells against a lush green forest backdrop
A vintage botanical illustration showcasing a variety of beautifully drawn, colorful mushrooms in a serene cottagecore environment.https://widget-club.com/mn/i/8d97c35b7aac4629a2acView licenseA vintage botanical illustration showcasing a variety of beautifully drawn, colorful mushrooms in a serene cottagecore environment.
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