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1 Stáhněte si aplikaci pro přizpůsobení domovské obrazovky „WidgetClub“.
K instalaci widgetů a změně ikon aplikací potřebujete aplikaci pro přizpůsobení domovské obrazovky. Stáhněte si prosím aplikaci WidgetClub. Všechny zde zobrazené vzory jsou k dispozici na WidgetClubu.
2 Po stažení aplikace se vraťte na tuto stránku a klepněte na tlačítko „Nastavit tuto tapetu“.
Po stažené aplikaci můžete klepnutím na tlačítko níže nebo na tlačítko „Nastavit tuto tapetu“ přejít přímo na stránku stahování tapety! (Pokud přistupujete ze sociálních médií, můžete mít potíže s přechodem na stránku. V takovém případě otevřete tuto stránku v Safari a znovu klepněte na tlačítko.)
Obsah označený Wallpapers by WidgetClub a tlačítkem „Stáhnout“ je zdarma a je k dispozici pro osobní i komerční použití. ※ Pro komerční použití je vyžadován odkaz a označení zdroje.
Komerční použití a nahrávání na podobné stránky (stránky s materiály, stránky s tapetami a další stránky, které mohou soutěžit s WidgetClubem) je zakázáno. Další informace naleznete v níže uvedených podmínkách použití.
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V případě komerčního využití Umístění odkazu a uvedení zdroje jsou povinné!️
<a href='https://widget-club.com/cs/i/fdd328aa2fde4fdbbaa8'>Nástěnná malba image</a> by <a href='https://widget-club.com/cs'>WidgetClub</a>
A water-colored mural showing a Japanese Sakura tree in full bloom, with Mount Fuji in the background.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/d4643d58ab54408c9c06View license
A realistic mural showcasing an array of tropical plants, accompanied by colorful parrots, situated in a vibrant rainforest.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/ac57f64b7c43444da230View license
A colorful, hand-painted mural of a cityscape with a wide, curving rainbow stretching from one end to the other.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/b11b6c26c5eb41cda3d7View license
A distressed ancient mural found in an abandoned monastery, showing monks in deep contemplation.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/ba5d8553e0804684ac62View license
An ancient mural depicting a dramatic sea battle, with tall ships and fierce waves, in the style of early Renaissance art.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/bba678176d27439abb5eView license
An abstract mural portraying a soothing desert landscape with various types of cacti under a gradient sunset sky.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/c2e71dbb1f2643cc8ebfView license
A mural in the style of antique Chinese art, depicting a tranquil scene of a humming garden surrounded by towering mountains.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/937f911848e246dfa2b3View license
A large floral mural painted on an old brick wall, filled with vibrant colors and varying species of flowers.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/e335291140e24218a496View license
A mural of a prehistoric jungle teeming with ferns and giant club mosses, with a distant silhouette of dinosaurs.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/e6f2ae5c50074e73a552View license
An epic mural depicting a tree of life with different species of plants growing on each branch, teeming with biodiversity.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/e9647e889f8b42eb9cc5View license
A classical mural depicting a thriving garden under the summer sun, filled with a variety of exotic botanical specimens in full bloom.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/1344d842c6614000ab57View license
A beautifully painted mural of a Capricorn on a grand cathedral ceiling, radiating heavenly light.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/13f4319f337043b5b92eView license
A surrealist mural of a moonlit forest, filled with luminescent mushrooms and other glowing flora.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/1622bd7618e5426fb63eView license
A romantic mural of Victorian ladies strolling through a lush garden filled with blooming roses and lilacs, painted in pastels.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/2ebce652f61b4514bdd0View license
An ancient mural in a Greek amphitheater, featuring mythological figures engaged in epic feats.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/407f9410686c4986b846View license
An antique mural displayed in an ancient castle, with detailed depictions of a royal procession.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/447ea239916e4dff9c30View license
Colorful mural on an urban wall displaying the iconic blue marble Earth with surrounding green graffiti vines.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/4e7b8bd5a4c3443cbc60View license
A mural presenting a tropical Hawaiian beach with surfboards and tiki torches at twilight.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/5c1f3d6920954f23832bView license
A brightly colored mural of a hummingbird gathering nectar from a rainforest full of blooming flowers.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/66e1fa6fd0744909a3c4View license
A trendy street art mural illustrating a black cheetah sprinting, its spots forming a mesmerizing print.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/6d19e4d1d0084b15832eView license
An antique mural hidden in the depths of an old cathedral, featuring religious figures in serene expressions.https://widget-club.com/cs/i/708c575c1d7546f590ddView license